▼ Kenji Kawai's Cafe [5767] Re:[5766] Question about instruments By : Kenji KawaiDate: 2023/12/31(Sun)03:54:57 [Res]
Dear Nemo, Thanks you for enjoying my music! I used some music instruments for “The Fire Hunter” so , I think you were saying was probably Kalimba. I played some sort of “Kalimbas” for. Please continue to listen my music. Best regards, Kenji Kawai
[5766] Question about instruments By : NemoDate: 2023/12/26(Tue)13:15:15 [Res]
Hey Kawai-san, hope this finds you well. Thanks for taking the time to engage with your fans :)
Began watching The Fire Hunter and was struck by the music, enough to look for the composer so was happy and amused to see your name as I love your work on GitS. I'd be very grateful if you could tell me what instruments are used in the song that plays as the truck arrives in 'departure' I've heard them in other anime soundtracks and notably in the GitS soundtrack and love the sound, I don't know how to describe it, sorry I can't be more specific and have to ask for a list, I'm curious about them all though, it's a beautiful soundscape. I hope you can find the time.
Thank you for reading, all the best :)
[5765] Re:[5764] あなたから学びたいと思っている中国の瀋陽出身の音楽プロデューサー By : 川井憲次Date: 2023/12/25(Mon)00:51:12 [Res]
[5757] Re:[5755] Opinion on a different sounding "Wyvern" from Patlabor 2 By : Kenji KawaiDate: 2023/09/15(Fri)03:28:57 [Res]
Dear Guilherme, Welcome to my site from Brazil! Thank you for enjoying my music of ”Patlabor”! When dubbing music to video image, I work in discussion with the director and sound director. Since I didn’t work at the dubbing, all decisions were made by them to remove the rhythm of the music. The results were satisfactory to me. So, I mean that I don’t control with the finalized film so, I have no opinion for this YouTube work. Thank you for interested in and love my music. Please continue to listen my music from now on! Best regards, Kenji Kawai
[5756] Re:[5754] 『葉問』に大感動!!ありがとう!!(T0T) By : Kenji KawaiDate: 2023/09/15(Fri)03:27:33 [Res]
[5755] Opinion on a different sounding "Wyvern" from Patlabor 2 By : GuilhermeDate: 2023/09/13(Wed)14:30:43 [Res]
Dear Mr. Kawai
First, I would like to thank you for having this bulletin board available for people to contact you.
I discovered the Patlabor series about 5 years ago, and with it your music, which I greatly appreciate listening to, with special regards to the compositions in Patlabor 2: The Movie.
While I have a certain fondness for the tense nature of "Wyvern", there is a video in Youtube of the scene in which it is played, but the audio is slightly different, more specifically, the sound of the hi-hats is absent. I started to wonder about what would be your opinion on the way it sounds and how it changes the feeling of a "time-sensitive mission" portrayed in the scene, compared to the high quality version.
The specific video I refer to is linked below, and in the case you do not wish to click any links, the specific video title is "PATLABOR 2 拦截F 16(JSDF Intercepts Wyvern)", uploaded by Mecha Cafe 17.
[5753] Re:[5752] In Hinamizawa with your music By : Kenji KawaiDate: 2023/08/29(Tue)03:34:41 [Res]
Dear Denis, Welcome to Japan! Thank you for enjoying my music from “Higurashi” during your vacation in Shirakawa-go. Please continue to have a nice trip in Japan! Best regards, Kenji Kawai
[5752] In Hinamizawa with your music By : DenisDate: 2023/08/25(Fri)23:23:21 [Res]
Dear Mr. Kawai,
today I had a nice evening walk in the streets of Shirakawa-go and along the bank of the Sho river, with your music for Higurashi accompanying my solitude. I spent 3 days here and enjoyed the real Hinamizawa a lot. Sending greetings.
Denis from Slovakia
[5751] Re:[5749] Dr By : Kenji KawaiDate: 2023/08/16(Wed)01:36:08 [Res]
Dear Kartik Sharma Buria, Thank you for enjoying my music of “Utai”! My staff will answer you about your inquiring directly. Good luck for your first film! Best regards, Kenji Kawai
[5750] Re:[5747] こんにちわ By : 川井憲次Date: 2023/08/16(Wed)01:35:11 [Res]
[5749] Dr By : Kartik Sharma BuriaDate: 2023/08/11(Fri)23:03:04 [Res]
Dear Kenji Kawai San,
Greetings! I recently heard your soundtrack UtaIII - Reincarnation at the screening of the film Ghost in the Shell at the Prince Charles Cinema, London.
The music not only continues to haunt my senses but completes the vision of my debut feature film. Please accept my humblest gratitude for your creative gift.
If I may, request further contact and guidance on duly and respectfully using the soundtrack for my film, I will be open to your recommendations.
Many thanks and I look forward to your response. With my best personal regards,
[5748] Dr By : Kartik Sharma BuriaDate: 2023/08/11(Fri)22:59:41 [Res]
Dear Kenji Kawai San,
Greetings! I recently heard your soundtrack UtaIII - Reincarnation at the screening of the film Ghost in the Shell at the Prince Charles Cinema, London.
The music not only continues to haunt my senses but completes the vision of my debut feature film. Please accept my humblest gratitude for your creative gift.
If I may, request further contact and guidance on duly and respectfully using the soundtrack for my film, I will be open to your recommendations.
Many thanks and I look forward to your response. With my best personal regards,